News & Updates
Success Story – March – John Williams
Success Story“I’ve improved so much in the time I’ve been in therapy and I can’t wait to go home.”John Williams admitted to Terra Bella Health and Wellness for therapy following spinal surgery. At admission, John required a lot of assistance with walking, dressing,...
Success Story – Feb – Sandra Williams
Success Story“I feel like I'm strong enough to go home!”Sandra Williams admitted to Terra Bella Health and Wellness for extensive therapy following open heart surgery. At admission, Sandra required assistance with walking, dressing, and completing day to day living...
Success Story – Jan – Leonard Keefe
Success Story Leonard Keefe, a resident at Terra Bella Health and Wellness, was referred to therapy to address his decline in transfers, limitations in range of motion, weakness and balance deficits increasing his risk for falls. Our rehab team at...
Success Story – Dec – Ms. Yousefpor
Ms. Yousefpor admitted to Terra Bella Health and Wellness following a ground level fall resulting in a hip fracture. Today, Ms. Yousefpor can complete her task of daily living, transfer and walk with a rolling walker with limited assistance from caregivers. Ms. Yousefpor is working towards transitioning home soon.
Success Story – Nov – Mr. Monroe
Mr. Monroe admitted to Terra Bella Health and Wellness following a brief hospitalization leaving him with increased weakness and reduced overall endurance making activities of daily living tiresome. Due to strong determination, positive mindset, and hard work Mr. Monroe has achieved his ultimate goal of returning home.
Success Story – Oct – Ms. Lewis
Ms. Lewis is a long-term resident of Terra Bella Health and Wellness, who originally presented with a significant decline in her conditioning and independence. Through strong work ethic and a specialized therapy plan, Ms. Lewis has improved her endurance and is completing her activities of daily living with reduced assistance from caregivers.